Τετάρτη 19 Οκτωβρίου 2011

δημοσσ choice 19/10/2011

i need more Melvins... you need more Melvins... we all need more Melvins!!!

3 σχόλια:

  1. ρε Δημοσσ, φαίνεται πως υπάρχουν άτομα -ζουν ανάμεσα μας- που δεν βρίσκουν συναρπαστικούς τους Melvins! Can you believe this!? ααχ.. πολιτιστική χρεοκοπία...

  2. In the mid nineties `Britpop' was everything in parallel to Americas grunge scene. Musically they were polar opposites and they each had very little respect for each other.

    Graham, the bassist from blur, was secretly a grunge fan and would play this king of music in his headphones to avoid chastising from the band.

    Damon Albarn though approached Graham with a few grunge type songs for Graham to choose. The track he selected was `Song 2'its working title and official release name.

    Ironically the song charted very well in England, ironic for the fact it was meant to be a satirical stab at everything grunge

    Read more: http://www.musicbanter.com/lyrics/Blur-Song-2.html#ixzz1bJCL9MUq

    since the early & mid 90's λοιπον kostis για να απαντησω και σε σενα "if i can believe this?" οπως ειπες... οσο αφορα τουλαχιστον τα μουσικα μου γουστα...
    I got my head done
    When I was young
    It's not my problem
    It's not my - problem -

    When I feel heavy metal WOOHOO!

  3. εεε... καθότι η ερώτηση ήταν ρητορική/χιουμοριστική άλλου είδους απάντηση περίμενα. Και anyway πραγματικά δεν καταλαβαίνω την -τεσπά- απάντηση σου, αφού δεν είπα τίποτα για τα μουσικά σου γούστα. Interesting blurry story πάντως.
